NJ Transit Bus Assignments By Fleet Number

Miscellaneous Buses

As of April 23, 2001

These buses are listed on official NJ Transit records. This listing includes buses from fleets that have been retired and cutaway buses used on Wheels shuttle services throughout the state. While some of the buses are still on NJT records, they are no longer owned by NJT, but rather by the operators themselves. Buses listed as assigned to NJT/Private Carrier Affairs are either awaiting reasignment or retirement.


E313 (1951 GM TDH-4509 Transit): NJT/Newark Shops K339 (1956 GM TDH-4512 Transit): NJT/Newark Shops K702 (1956 GM TDM-5106 Suburban): NJT/Newark Shops L627 (1957 GM PD-4104 Parlor): NJT/Newark Shops M720 (1958 GM TDM-5108 Suburban): NJT/Newark Shops P700 (1960 GM SDM-5301 Suburban): NJT/Newark Shops W608 (1965 GM PD-4106 Parlor): NJT/Newark Shops Z603 (1968 GM PD-4903 Parlor): NJT/Newark Shops


102: Coach USA/Suburban Transit 104: Coach USA/Suburban Transit 106: Coach USA/Suburban Transit 201: Lion Corp of NJ 203: Coach USA/Community Transportation 204: Lion Corp of NJ 205: NJT/Private Carrier Affairs 207-208: Town & Country 209: Seven Bus Corp 214: Lion Corp of NJ 215: Seven Bus Corp 218: Seven Bus Corp 228: Coach USA/Community Transportation 230: NJT/Private Carrier Affairs 235: Coach USA/Community Transportation 236: Delaware River Coach Lines 237: Coach USA/Suburban Transit 240: Town & Country 243: Coach USA/Community Transportation 245: Delaware River Coach Lines 246: NJT/Private Carrier Affairs 247: Coach USA/Suburban Transit 300: Township of Chatham 301: Township of Springfield 302: City of West Orange 303: Coach USA/Suburban Transit 304: Town & Country 306-307: Coach USA/Suburban Transit 308-309: Delaware River Coach Lines 310-312: Town & Country 314: Town & Country 361: Coach USA/Red & Tan Tours 501-502: NJT/Private Carrier Affairs 702: Coach USA/Suburban Transit 704: Coach USA/Suburban Transit 706: Coach USA/Suburban Transit 707-708: Lion Corp of Pa. 971-975: Coach USA/Red & Tan Tours


350: Township of Maplewood 351-352: Town & Country 353: Lion Corp of Pa. 354-355: Coach USA/Subruban Transit 356-358: Coach USA/Community Transportation 360: Coach USA/Red & Tan Tours 362-363: Coach USA/Red & Tan Tours 364: Coach USA/Community Transportation 366-369: Lion Corp of Pa. 9891: Coach USA/Suburban Transit

1980 GRUMMAN FLXIBLE 870-A TRANSIT (53102-6-1) [2]

1128: NJT/Newark Shops 1154: NJT/Newark Shops (NJT Police Mobile Command Unit)

1980 GRUMMAN FLXIBLE 870-B (53102-6-1/Ex-NYC Transit) [7]

1513: NJT/Newark Shops 1535: NJT/Private Carrier Affairs 1537: NJT/Private Carrier Affairs 1584: NJT/Private Carrier Affairs 1612: NJT/Newark Shops 1614-1615: NJT/Newark Shops

1980 GRUMMAN FLXIBLE 870-C (53102-6-1/Ex-NYC Transit) [36]

2001: Coach USA/Trans Hudson Express 2062: NJT/Newark Shops 2069: NJT/Newark Shops 2089: Broadway IBOA 2112: Lafayette & Greenville IBOA 2138: NJT/Private Carrier Affairs 2143-2145: NJT/Private Carrier Affairs 2155: NJT/Private Carrier Affairs 2195: Coach USA/HAML Corp 2206: NJT/Private Carrier Affairs 2215: NJT/Newark Shops 2240: Coach USA/Orange-Newark-Elizabeth Bus Company 2260-2261: NJT/Private Carrier Affairs 2264: NJT/Private Carrier Affairs 2268: NJT/Private Carrier Affairs 2272: NJT/Private Carrier Affairs 2275: NJT/Private Carrier Affairs 2277: Lafayette & Greenville IBOA 2278-2279: NJT/Private Carrier Affairs 2281: NJT/Private Carrier Affairs 2285: NJT/Newark Shops 2294-2295: NJT/Private Carrier Affairs 2357: NJT/Newark Shops 2360: NJT/Newark Shops 2383: NJT/Newark Shops 2404: NJT/Newark Shops 2426: NJT/Newark Shops 2430: NJT/Newark Shops 2481: NJT/Newark Shops 2505: NJT/Newark Shops 2550: NJT/Private Carrier Affairs

MCI MC-9 CRUISER (Purchased Second Hand) [6]

PA573: Coach USA/Hudson Transit Lines 6823: Nate's Transportation 6832: Academy Lines 6834-6835: Academy Lines 6848: Carefree Lines

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Page created Tuesday, 24 April, 2001

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